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Enhancing SME Resilience through a Dualistic Approach to Causation and Effectuation


Proposal: Enhancing SME Resilience through a Dualistic Approach to Causation and Effectuation


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in the global economy, driving innovation, employment, and economic growth. However, SMEs are also more vulnerable to disruptions and crises, making resilience a critical factor for their long-term survival and success.

Two distinct causal logics, causation and effectuation, have emerged as potential approaches to enhancing SME resilience. While causation emphasizes planning, control, and predefined goals, effectuation advocates for flexibility, adaptability, and resourcefulness in utilizing available means to achieve goals.

This proposal explores the interplay of causation and effectuation in fostering SME resilience and proposes a dualistic approach that combines the strengths of both logics to empower SMEs to navigate challenges effectively and emerge stronger.

Research Objectives

The primary objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of a dualistic approach to causation and effectuation in enhancing SME resilience. Specifically, the research aims to:

Assess the impact of a dualistic approach on SME resilience, agility, and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Identify the key elements and strategies that constitute a successful dualistic approach.

Explore the potential moderators of the relationship between causation/effectuation and SME resilience, such as individual characteristics, organizational culture, and industry dynamics.

Develop practical guidelines for SMEs to implement a dualistic approach and foster resilience in their operations.

Research Methodology

The research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. A quantitative survey will be conducted to gather data on SME characteristics, decision-making styles, resilience outcomes, and external factors. Qualitative data will be collected through in-depth interviews with SME owners and managers to gain deeper insights into their decision-making processes, resilience strategies, and perceived impact of causation and effectuation.

Data analysis will involve descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, and thematic analysis to identify patterns, relationships, and key themes. Additionally, structural equation modeling will be employed to assess the causal relationships between causation, effectuation, resilience, and other relevant variables.

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of this research include:

A comprehensive understanding of the interplay between causation and effectuation in enhancing SME resilience.

A detailed framework for a dualistic approach to causation and effectuation, with actionable strategies for SMEs to implement.

Practical guidelines for SMEs to assess their current decision-making styles and transition towards a dualistic approach.

A deeper understanding of the role of individual, organizational, and environmental factors in influencing the effectiveness of a dualistic approach.

Dissemination Plan

The research findings will be disseminated through a variety of channels, including:

Peer-reviewed journal articles to contribute to academic knowledge on SME resilience and decision-making.

Executive summaries and case studies for practitioners and policy-makers to provide practical insights and recommendations.

Conference presentations to share research findings with a broader audience and engage in discussions with experts in the field.

Capacity-building workshops and training programs for SMEs to facilitate the implementation of a dualistic approach to resilience.

Significance of the Research

The research on the dualistic approach to causation and effectuation for enhancing SME resilience holds significant implications for both academic and practical domains.

Academic Contribution: The research aims to advance our understanding of the interplay between causation and effectuation, extending beyond the traditional dichotomy and exploring the potential of a dualistic approach to foster resilience in SMEs.

Practical Application: The research findings will provide practical guidance for SMEs to adopt a dualistic approach and enhance their resilience in a dynamic and uncertain business environment.

Contribution to Existing Literature

The research proposal builds on and advances existing literature on SME resilience, causal logics, and decision-making. It proposes a novel perspective on the dualistic approach, offering a framework and strategies for SMEs to leverage the strengths of both causation and effectuation.

Expected Impact

The research findings have the potential to significantly impact SMEs by:

Enhancing their resilience and adaptability to navigate challenges effectively.

Fostering agility and responsiveness to changing market conditions.

Improving decision-making processes and resource utilization.

Promoting long-term survival and success in a volatile business environment.

The dissemination of research findings through various channels will ensure that SME owners, managers, and policy-makers have access to valuable insights for implementing a dualistic approach and fostering resilience in their businesses.

Key Elements of a Dualistic Approach

A dualistic approach to causation and effectuation for SME resilience can be characterized by the following key elements:

Strategic Flexibility: SMEs should maintain a flexible and adaptable mindset, embracing change and adjusting their strategies as circumstances evolve.

Resourceful Innovation: SMEs should leverage their existing resources and capabilities creatively to identify opportunities and overcome challenges.

Contingency Planning: While embracing flexibility, SMEs should also develop contingency plans to address unforeseen events and minimize disruptions.

Opportunity Recognition: SMEs should actively scan the environment for opportunities and be prepared to seize them opportunistically.

Balanced Decision-Making: SMEs should strike a balance between planning and flexibility, utilizing both causation and effectuation principles.

Implementation Strategies for SMEs

SMEs can implement a dualistic approach to causation and effectuation by adopting the following strategies:

Establish a Clear Vision and Direction: While adapting to change, maintain a clear overall vision and direction for the business.

Devise Flexible Strategies: Develop strategies that can be adapted and adjusted as circumstances change, rather than rigidly adhered to.

Utilize Available Resources Creatively: Identify and leverage underutilized or under-appreciated resources to address challenges and pursue opportunities.

Embrace Experimentation and Learning: Encourage experimentation and learning from both successes and failures to improve decision-making and resource utilization.

Build a Culture of Adaptability: Foster a corporate culture that values adaptability, innovation, and openness to change.
Potential Moderators of the Dualistic Approach

The research will explore the potential moderators of the relationship between the dualistic approach and SME resilience. These moderators include:

Individual Characteristics: The entrepreneurial mindset, risk tolerance, and adaptability of SME owners and managers can influence the effectiveness of a dualistic approach.

Organizational Culture: A culture that encourages experimentation, innovation, and adaptability can facilitate the implementation and effectiveness of a dualistic approach.

Industry Dynamics: The nature of the industry, including its level of uncertainty, volatility, and dynamism, can influence the suitability of a dualistic approach for SMEs operating in that industry.

Case Studies and Illustrative Examples

The research will include case studies of SMEs that have successfully implemented a dualistic approach to causation and effectuation, highlighting their strategies, decision-making processes, and resilience outcomes. These case studies will provide tangible examples for other SMEs to emulate.

Challenges and Limitations

There are potential challenges and limitations associated with the research, such as:

Measuring Causation and Effectuation: Accurately measuring the extent to which SMEs adopt causation and effectuation in their decision-making can be challenging due to the subjective nature of these concepts.

Attributing Causal Relationships: Establishing clear causal relationships between the dualistic approach, resilience, and other relevant variables can be complex due to the interplay of various factors.

Generalizing Findings: While the research will focus on SMEs in a specific context, generalizing the findings to other SMEs and industries may require further research and validation.


The research proposal proposes a novel approach to enhancing SME resilience by combining the strengths of causation and effectuation. The dualistic approach offers a promising framework for SMEs to navigate challenges effectively, foster agility, and achieve long-term success in a dynamic and uncertain business environment. The proposed research will provide valuable insights and practical guidance for SMEs to implement this approach and enhance their resilience in the face of adversity.

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